How to earn money from google

There are several ways to earn money from Google


If you have a website or blog, you can sign up for Google AdSense and place ads on your site. When users click on the ads, you will earn money.


If you have a YouTube channel, you can monetize your videos by enabling ads and earning a share of the ad revenue. You can also earn money through YouTube's Partner Program, which allows you to receive a share of the revenue from the ads that run on your videos.

Google Opinion Rewards

This is an app developed by Google that pays users to complete surveys. You can earn small amounts of money by answering questions about products and services you use.

Google AdWords

If you own a business, you can use Google AdWords to advertise your products or services on Google and earn money through pay-per-click advertising.

Google Play Store

If you are a developer, you can create and sell apps or games on the Google Play Store and earn money through sales and in-app purchases.

These are just a few examples of ways you can earn money from Google. I hope this information helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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